Folks come to the Mayan Dude Ranch to ride our horses, but they soon find out that there is just as much fun to be had out of the saddle, as in it.

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Weekly Activity Schedule
2025 Activity Schedule: May 25th to August 17th
☞☞We have a strict 2-night minimum, but so many of our guests during the summer months choose to stay an entire week. Because of this, we must have a set weekly schedule during our summer months. BEFORE May 25th and AFTER August 17th, 2025, these are some of the activities one can expect: Cowboy Breakfast cooked on the open range, horseback riding, hayrides, roping, fishing, hiking, fossil finding, treks to the dinosaur tracks with Jurassic Judy, country dancing, ping-pong, tennis, basketball, volleyball, swimming in our Texas-sized pool (not heated), BBQ cook-outs with live country music, Mexican Fiesta with a pinata bust for the children, and marshmallow roasts during our colder months.
Special reminders:
1. During the summer months only, there are no horse rides on Sunday, or Cowboy Breakfast, or lunch. This is on Sunday only during the summer months.
2. The Mayan is not equipped or staffed to make special dietary meals: please plan accordingly.
3. We have a strict two-night minimum.
4. The Mayan has a strict No Pet Policy.
Horse rides:
All our rides are strictly single-file at a walk with a guide – no exceptions. The Texas Bureau of Veterinary Public Health (Rules 169.81-169.89, 169.83) states that no horse may carry more than 20% of its own weight. Our biggest horses weigh in at about 1220 lbs. meaning they cannot carry over 240-244 lbs. Rider age: minimum 6 years. Due to insurance policy, one must be able to physically mount without complete assistance from an equine ranch hand.
Mare-y Mayan
While horseback riding is high on most people’s list, there is a wealth of activity beyond the saddle. Tonight, your vacation begins with the Ryanstone Cowboy’s warm, horsepitable horse lesson, a hayride to see our wildlife, and an opportunity to sit atop a longhorn steer. Following supper (Main entrees: Beef fajitas and turkey) Kowgirl Kel’s legendary Cowboy Bingo.
Wrangle with the Wranglers
Engage in some friendly cowboy competition with the wranglers before supper (Main entrees: catfish, pork chops & corndogs). “It’s Foam Time,” also known as Bubbles Galore, for the kids after supper while the adults and teens are entertained by one of our talented staff with live country music in the saloon.
Tonight, we dive into the award-winning Yellowstone Mayan-style at Hicksville, an area that highlights the natural beauty of the ranch and its surroundings. Before supper, embrace your inner cowboy and cowgirl and join sisters, Shannon and Shea, with some traditional cowboy activities that celebrate the past and forge memorable moments that you will cherish long after your vacation. After supper (Main entrees: Steak & chicken breast), adults/teens can join Brynntastic for Karaoke in the saloon.
Tonight, we present the Mayan’s Disney Characters. Woody’s Round-Up, “Kevin Fitzpatrick,” will lasso you in before supper (Main entrees: Shrimp boil, ribs and BBQ chicken) followed by the Mayan’s performers and the “Best-Dressed Disney Character Contest.” After supper, Mayan Talent Show for all ages. The Mayan has talented guests, and this talent show is about coming together as one big ranch family and making lasting memories that will be cherished for years to come.
Let's Fiesta
Hola Amigos, Let’s Fiesta! – Zestful festivities, food, and fun come out of our sombreros tonight. A live snake show and pinata before supper. After our fabulous Mayan-Mexican cuisine meal and Mariachi music by Senor Ricochet the D-Jay, we will have a hayride to see the wildlife and finish your evening under the stars with Eddie of Star Party America.
BBQ: The Mayan's Brand
Dining at the Mayan is a hearty affair and tonight’s ranch BBQ is a meal that the Hicks family has cooked for “74” years. Your meal will take place at Hicksville, where you can take in the picturesque mountain setting, tree-covered slopes, and the horse’s nighttime habitat. Western-style dance lessons with Kowgirl Kel and DJ Dance with Ricochet after supper at the pavilion. (Menu: brisket, ribs, and sausage cooked and queued to perfection)
Mayan Hop
Wonderful days have wonderful endings. We’re Rockin’ Back the Clock at the Mayan Hop. Tonight, we celebrate the Golden Oldies – the 50's/60's in music, food, entertainment, and dress. Prize for the “Best Dressed 50’s/60’s costume.” (Menu: Steak & salmon). We will close the evening with the Mayan Family’s floor show. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself on stage with us. “Y’ALL” are golden to our family!
A Texas-sized last Round-Up brunch will be served from 7:45 to 10:30 a.m. inside the dining room featuring a variety of breads, fruit, eggs, bacon, sausage, and plenty of Mayan Ranch specialties that only our cooks can prepare. Official check-out is 11:00 a.m.
Mayan Americana
This year marks our 70th year in the saddle. Since 1951, we have been blessed to experience and celebrate seven decades of making Mayan guests happy!
Begin your family vacation the Mayan-Way:
- True warmth, friendliness, the beauty of the unspoiled hills
- Introductory horse lesson with the “Ryan-stone” Cowboy
- Wildlife hayride
- Redneck, the longhorn, poses for photos
- Kowgirl Kel’s legendary cowboy bingo
- Steaks grilled to perfection on an open fire
Mayan Myths & Legends
Join us for supper and cowboy tales.
Entertainment starts the evening with World-Champion Trick Roper, Kevin Fitzpatrick.
Have you heard about the buried gold on Mayan’s Fossil Hill, the Hollywood movies that were shot on our ranch property, or about the cowgirl from Northumbria, who is periodically seen in the late-night hours, by the romantic fern tree, waiting for the cowboy who never showed up 66 years ago for their secret wedding ceremony?
Our adult dining room setting makes for head-chef Shawna’s excellent 5-course meal, timeless stories based on historical events, tales that have been rooted in ranch folklore, and some good old-fashioned fun and humor.
All children 12 years & under will dine at the pavilion with Mayan staff as we make no exceptions for any child in the dining room on this one evening of the entire week. Children under 6 years must have a parent present or arrange for a sitter on this evening. Parents and teens, can of course, eat with their children at the pavilion.
Mayan Cowboy Hoedown
Tonight is all about enjoying country life - family, food, fun, and forever memories.
- Head to Hicksville and take in the beauty of the wide-open spaces and clean fresh Hill Country air. Play horseshoes, cornhole, washers, or just sit back and enjoy some knee-slapping country music.
- BBQ chicken, beef fajitas, sausage on the stick, and lots of good ole homemade sides will be the night’s fare.
- Finish the evening with some traditional family dances and a bonfire/marshmallow roast.
Mayan Talent Extraordinaire
If there is one thing the Mayan Ranch has plenty of, it is talented staff and talented guests. Today, the ranch staff and family, as well as our Mayan Dudes, share and celebrate their God-given talents. Singing, dancing, joke-telling, juggling, gymnastics or taekwondo demonstrations are just a few of the talents one might see on this extraordinary day in Mayan, Texas. Take part or just relax and be a spectator.
Menu this evening will be turkey, Texas tacos, and Mary’s legendary catfish.
Mayan Mexican Fiesta
Did you know that enchiladas date back to the Mayan times? ...Must be why we have the very best Mexican cuisine in the Texas hill country. The nourishment of the evening are our Authentic Mexican dishes and margaritas! Our Activities & Entertainment:- Children’s piñata
- Señor Ricochet and his Mariachi Music
- Wildlife hayride
- Stargazing with astronomer Eddie of Star Party America make this evening a Mayan favorite

Mayan Magnificence
An outstanding feature of the Mayan Ranch is her trademark BBQ and it is something the Mayan has down to a science. Beef brisket and ribs are cooked and queued to perfection with cowboy pinto and green beans, potato salad, coleslaw, Shawna’s special vegetarian dish, and brownies on the side.
Add along some friendly, family Cowboy competition and a family DJ dance-off, and you have a day of Mayan Magnificence. Kowgirl Kel will help you “Dude It” and “Put Your Little Foot” in the right place!
Mayan Texas Music
“Oh play me some Mayan Music, like Grandma and Grandpa used to play…”
Saturday is the closer to a great week and there is no better way to celebrate than with our cowboy steaks.
Our entertainment of the evening is a Mayan family production, a mix of:
- Music of all genres Mayan-style
- Comedy
- Wildlife hayride
- Redneck, the longhorn, poses for photos
- Finale by the Mighty Mayan Players will place a special Mayan imprint in your heart
Head-chef Shawna’s Breakfast Specialty Send-off
A Texas-sized, last Round-Up brunch will be served from 7:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. featuring a variety of breads, fruit, eggs, bacon, sausage, and plenty of head-chef Shawna’s specialties.
Official check-out on Sunday is 11:00 a.m.
Trailrides, Horseback Riding
Our guests get two rides a day: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. They are all single file with a cowboy guide and last about 50 minutes. We allow no exceptions.
A word about the trailrides:
- Due to all insurance company requirements, children under six (6) years of age are not able to participate on the trailrides. However, we know how much the little one's want to sit in the saddle, so at scheduled times, our wranglers will put them up on a horse and lead them around the corral. Cribs are unavailable.
- Texas law says we cannot put anyone in the saddle who weighs more than 240 lbs.
The Mayan Dude Ranch is a big ranch and we have our meals and activities "spread all over the spread." Don't worry, a hayride will take you to the Cowboy Breakfast and to Hicksville (our own little Western Town). Sometimes the hayride will just take you out under the beautiful Texas stars for the pure fun of it. Hey, there's a bonfire, let's stop for a sing-along!

Music and Dancing
During the summertime, and sometimes during the off season, we put on shows: musicals, comedies -- just good fun entertainment.
We also have musical groups and cowboys to play for you during your meal.
Want to dance but don't know how? Don't worry. We'll teach you the Texas Two-Step, the Cotton-Eyed Joe, and a lot of modern line dance techniques.
More Fun Stuff
Bingo Night
Giant Checkers
Dino Track Viewings with Jurassic Judy
Stargazing with astronomer Eddie of Star Party America
Bonfire + Marshmallow Roasts
(not at the ranch itself, but we're only minutes away from a great course).